Blogger Code of Conduct?

Tim Oreilly has come up with the draft Blogger Code of Conduct. I suspect this was due, to a certain extent, to the blogosphere turning nasty. Blogging has certainly come a long way. From simple personal logs and diaries to serious money-making ventures, and a fierce competitor to the traditional media. But do we really […]

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Predicting the Next Billionaires

Did you know that the pornography industry is so large that it is expected to decide the winner in the Blu-Ray Vs HD DVD war? (Just like it did in the Betamax Vs VHS war). Yes, porn is BIG – if you can get the porn industry to adopt your technology then you’re on your […]

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See How Easily You Can Avoid Online Scams

The net has come a long way since the dotcom crash. Now, things are looking up, what with web 2.0 and whatnot. Heck, things are better than they’ve ever been, going by the amount of money flowing in and giant , almost weekly, acquisitions. With all this money, naturally, internet crime is also doing pretty […]

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How To Get an Online Job

Imagine a world where you work from the comforts of you own bed. No getting up early, no shaving – heck, you can have breakfast while briefing your boss or serving customers. Just imagine. (No this isn’t a samsung ad!) That world could be yours for the taking. Similar to the familiar off-line employment, this […]

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Lifecasting Ultimate Challenge

Did you hear about the recent earthquake in Mexico? Where did you get the news? CNN? Guess where I got the news! I got the news on a twitter link which led me to an Ustream live video where a blogger was interviewing a Mexico-based blogger concerning the earthquake. I have to admit, that’s pretty […]

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How to Make Money Online: Introduction

The internet is undoubtedly all the rage as far as money-making goes. There is lots of money to be made. Making money is a good thing, so we should all jump in and try our luck. However, before rushing in like a fool, it would be prudent to think about what one is getting himself […]

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The Secret to Life, Madmen, Sex and Some things In-between

Have you ever looked at a mad person? I mean really looked, noticing the facial features, hair, clothing buttons, etc? I have done that before and, like Mama Shady, I ended up wondering what was going on in her(the madwoman’s) head. What was she thinking of? Does she care about the things you and I […]

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