“The Khan Academy is a remarkable, one-person effort to educate the World. Salman Khan has produced over 900 videos on YouTube with 6 million views-covering everything from basic arithmetic to calculus, chemistry, and physics. Continuing to produce several hundred videos a year, Salman intends to provide instruction in all subjects to anyone, anywhere. Millions of […]
[Continue reading…]Rich Dad, Poor Dad Part 2
We have looked at an introduction to Robert Kiyosaki’s ideas on welath in Rich Dad, Poor Dad part 1. Today, we’re going to look at the cashflow quadrant where Mr Kiyosaki talks about four different ways on how you can get rich. Watch the video: What do you think?
[Continue reading…]Google Alerts – A Free Research Assistant
What if you could keep track on news/information on whatever you are interested in? What if you could receive updates whenever new information regardng your subject of choice was mentioned anywhere on the internet? Would you like that? Well, then you will love Google Alerts. Google Alerts are email updates of the latest relevant Google […]
[Continue reading…]The Strawberry Store
A whole lot of people dismiss Kenyan online business as being ahead of their time. Some people even go as far as claiming online entrepreneurs in Kenya as being misguided, or even plain silly. The usual explanation is that Kenya is still very new and untested as far as the internet goes…etc etc. But who […]
[Continue reading…]Rich Dad, Poor Dad Part 1
Rich Dad, Poor Dad was my first business book. I read it over a week or so in High School and, to date, I still remember very well it’s core teachings. One of them is this: always think in terms of assets and liabilities. Assets are things that put money in your pocket while liabilities […]
[Continue reading…]The KCB Mobile Wallet
Just the other day, I was thinking to myself: do I really have to go to the bank? I really dislike going to the bank, especially inefficient banks like mine. And that’s, really, been everyone’s complaint against KCB over the years: it is very inefficient. Or it was. In a surprisingly innovative move, KCB recently […]
[Continue reading…]The Worst Thing About Doing Business In Kenya
As you all may know, the Like Chapaa team is also involved with Nickel Pro where we do a whole bunch of stuff ranging from simple web design to online marketing. Like chapaa and Nickel Pro are only a few months old but in that time we’ve managed to take them from just ideas in […]
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