Archives for February 2011

Turning Your Critics Into Evangelists

As a business owner, you have undoubtedly come across customers or potential customers who speak so badly of you that you wonder where they get all the venom from. What do you do with these people?

I am of the school of thought that a business should choose its customers i.e. do not go against your convictions, beliefs, morality and better judgement just because someone is paying you money. However, I also believe that all businesses exist solely to serve their customers. As a business, you should strive to delight everyone that you deal with.

From my experience, your worst critics can be turned into assets – into evangelists who will spread the good news about your business far and wide. You know why? Because if someone is very critical of you as a business, it automatically means they care enough to form opinions about you and communicate them to you. I see this as an opportunity to turn your worst critics into people who speak exceedingly well about you.

Now, as it turns out, many of your critics criticize you from points of little information. All it takes to show them that you are not as bad as they think is to be patient, to listen to them and to address their queries step by step in a clear and respectful manner.

For example, the guys over at DukaPress once received a very harsh email from a potential customer. They could have responded with equal venom or just ignored the critic. However, they chose to engage him in a conversation and address his concerns. Less than five emails later, the critic had made his first purchase at the DukaPress shop! Since then, he has made more purchases and even referred people to DukaPress. Imagine that…

So the next time you get a call or an email from a venomous critic, seize the opportunity to acquire an evangelist!

The Secret to Making Money Online

Over the years, I’ve heard many business ideas that revolve around making money online from my friends, family, and even complete strangers. Many, many of the ideas usually go like this: “I will start a website and put adverts on it and many people will visit it and every time they visit I will make money. I’ll be rich.”

The sad truth is that many people feel that making money online is just easy. Unfortunately, many of these people come to realise that this is not the case the hard way: they lose money while trying to implement their “killer” ideas.

If you are looking to make money online by launching some type of online business, especially a website, then you have to have a very good plan on how, exactly, you shall grow this website to the point where it is making you rich. How do you grow your website to profitability? Normally, this means that you have to grow the number of people who visit your website to be so many that you make your required amounts of money. Do you have any idea how you would do this?

Let’s take an example: do you remember the last time you went into a cyber cafe in town? On average, you went online to do a very specific thing: you logged in, checked your email, checked some other sites, and then quickly left. What I am trying to say is that people are busy; people already have websites that they visit on a daily basis. When you launch a new website, you have to convince people to visit your website instead of those others that they already visit. To put it bluntly: why should I visit your website instead of Facebook, Twitter, LikeChapaa or any other?

  • why should people visit your website?
  • what will people do on your website?
  • how will you grow the number of people who visit your website?
  • how, exactly, will you get to make money from people who visit your website?
  • If you can satisfy yourself with your answers to the above questions: indeed, if you can actually translate your answers into your business plan/strategy then you can definitely make money online.

    The First Step to Running a Business is to be a Project Manager

    If you take time out to seriously consider all that is involved in running a business, you will find that the most prominent tasks and traits are multi-tasking and organization. These are the same qualities that define most Project Management jobs. You have to know what is going on in each aspect of your business from projected revenue to hiring staff to advertising and beyond. The best way to prepare yourself for this multifaceted undertaking is to take notes from Project Managers.
    Like most jobs that are challenging, Project Managing is not glorious. In fact, it is seen in the corporate world as a position that consists mostly of creating busy work. Yet, in these positions you need to know the ins and outs of all aspects of the corporation that you are working for. You need more than just a peripheral knowledge of your current advertising campaign; you need to be fully entrenched in its ideology and delivery in order to manage how it is run by delegating responsibility to those best suited, and so forth.

    This is the same situation when you own your own business. The exception is that you need to know more than just one aspect of your corporation; you need to have intimate knowledge of each corner of your business in order to manage its daily affairs including task delegation, future planning, and idea generation. As the owner of a business you are the head of Accounting, Marketing, Human Resources, among other sectors. You will have staff that will look after the details, but it is up to you to hire the right people who share your vision for your organization and can deliver what you expect in a timely and organized manner.

    That is why it is so essential to have the right staff to follow through on the tasks that you set before them. If not, you could wind up in a situation whereby you are micromanaging all the aspects of your business down to the most finite detail. This is exactly the situation that you want to avoid; drowning in the details and micromanaging your way into disaster.

    This is where the skills of Project Management come into play. Being a Project Manager is about knowing a little bit about each aspect of your business and not being a specialist in any. You find competent people to do the required tasks, whether it be controlling, marketing, or hiring staff, but you oversee the entire process and make sure that your final stamp of approval goes on each major decision that comes to your desk. You make sure that things get done as planned and make sure that none of the details are missed and fall through the cracks.

    After all, this is your business, and you will want these little details to reflect your vision for your endeavours. The key is to hire staff that you can feel confident know your vision and manage them in a way that reflects open communication of the daily goings on in their respective fields.