Join us on a journey through the ups and downs of a career that has changed both the tech industry and our culture at large. Words of wisdom from Steve Jobs: Remembering that I’ll be dead soon is the most important tool I’ve ever encountered to help me make the big choices in life. Because […]
[Continue reading…]An Experiment in Kenyan Movies Part 2 – SEO
You guys remember our very recent project in Kenyan movies? We thought we’d share everything that we’re doing for the site – it will be more fun that away, ama? Also, hopefully one of our Like Chapaa readers can learn something. What follows, therefore, is a discussion on how we’re trying to market the site […]
[Continue reading…]An Experiment in Kenyan Movies
Ok, let’s start from the beginning: do you even like Kenyan movies? Up until yesterday, I did not like them. This was mostly because I knew next to nothing about them. Then my good friend came over and we watched some… they were pretty good!! Much much much better than I would have thought. In […]
[Continue reading…]We Buy Websites
The internet is a curious thing. Not only can your website make some great money for you while you run it, it can also make money when you decide to sell. Just like physical properties, web properties can fetch quite a bit of cash during the resale process, and we’d be happy to take a […]
[Continue reading…]The Power of ‘Organic’
One of the most important business concepts is captured by the word “organic”. I actually use this word quite a bit in conversations and in talks and it’s not really because I’m into organic food. No, when I use the word “organic” I’m talking about what happens when you get any slice of real nature […]
[Continue reading…]Using StarCraft to Boost Your Tours & Travel Business
No idea if this can work but….. Let me paint you a picture. Imagine your organization at the centre of an exciting online event that generates passionate conversation all over the Internet: on news websites, on Facebook, on Twitter, on YouTube, and on other websites. Imagine your organization featuring prominently on YouTube videos viewed by […]
[Continue reading…]Things Stronger Than The Kenyan Shilling
Perhaps as a shock, #ThingsStrongerThanTheKenyaShilling is currently trending GLOBALLY on Twitter!!! A trending topic is a word, phrase or topic that is posted (tweeted) multiple times on the social networking and microblogging service Twitter. I think this points to Kenya being an important part of the Internet, ama aje? Sure, the trending topic is for […]
[Continue reading…]