UPDATE: The Link is now dead. “We are currently updating our website. While working on that, we thought youcould be enjoying free sms!Hey, its Free at the moment! Enjoy!” I haven’t tried it yet, but here’s the link.

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Babies, Cops, and Fear

Fear is a terrible thing. It can stop you from doings things you want to do, and generally ruin your life. Fear, of course, is a basic human emotion and we’re all bound to experience it at some point or other. The trick, however, is not to let it get too you too much. Kirima‘s […]

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Mobile Survival Kit

Once you really get to like the internet and use it consistently, the worst thing that can happen probably is your internet connection going down. We all hate it, but it does happen. Maybe you were expecting an important email, or need to make a blog post or, like me, need to sign in to […]

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President Kibaki on Myspace

While checking my email today, I found a nice surprise: “President Kibaki wants to be added as your friend.” Despite my personal views, that was quite flattering. As far as I can tell, President Kibaki’s Profile on myspace has been set up to help out in the campaign for the upcoming general elections. I think […]

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I thought I’d never see the day when I’d see people fear and/or distrust Google, the company everyone loves to love. Fear of Google (FOG) and Distrust/Disdain of Google(DOG) has been all over the web lately.Click here to read no less than 11 high profile bloggers write on this issue. What do you think of […]

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I see Dead People

You do too. They are all around us, reminding us constantly of their life and death. What happens to your online self when you die? “More than a year after his death, Aaron Huth continues to haunt those who knew him. His profile on the behemoth six-degrees-of-separation Web site still lets people know that […]

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Meebo, the IM King

Have you ever been to a site that you just can’t stop talking about? Meebo is one such site. It’s so cool that I am going to talk about it again. Yes, I have already covered meebo here. The idea behind meebo is simple: instant messaging(im). I think it’s the best im website on the […]

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