What Is Google Wave?

Did you know that email as we know it was invented 40 years ago? What if email was invented today, what would it look like? Well, Google Wave has been describe as what email would look like if it was invented today, and it is hitting the world like a strom. Watch the video to […]

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How To Unsubscribe From Bidii Afrika

A couple of my friends have been subscribed unwillingly to this Google Group: Bidii Afrika. Maybe you’ve heard of it? It has a nasty reputation for spam. Unsubscribing from a Google Groups is very easy so I was somewhat surprised that my friends had been having trouble. I found out why as soon as I […]

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Forex Trading In Kenya – An Introduction

Forex or foreign exchange or simply FX, are terms used to represent the many world currencies being traded in the market. There is no single central forex market in Kenya, or the world. The foreign exchange market is more like an over the counter market and trading typically happens between two people/companies directly. You can […]

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How To Make 30,000 A Month Online

Lately, we’ve been talking to people about online freelancing. A lot of the people seem to think that the life of an online freelancer is chaotic at best with low pay and long hours. This doesn’t have to be the case and to prove that, here’s a plan on how to make at least Kshs […]

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Any Good Banks In Kenya?

Last week one of my friends and I walked into a bunch of banks in Nairobi with the sole goal of getting an account in the name of our startup business. It was not a good experience by any means. Pretty much all of the banks had requirements that made life difficult for us, including […]

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Starting Your Own Business

In his book ‘Small is the new big’, Seth Godin writes, “As long as you work for someone, you have no job security. As long as your company is public, your future is in the hands of others—people who are likely not as smart as you are. And as long as you follow the instructions […]

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11 Web Apps That You Should Know About

LifeHacker has a list of very useful web applications that many people don’t know about. They say, “As with rock music, video games, and other awesome pursuits, great web applications often don’t get enough credit for what they do well..” Here’s a list of some underhyped web-apps. The Aviary Suite – Aviary is a webapp […]

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