Cloud computing is one of those topics that confuses and confounds people. But it’s a hot topic so there is need to explain the topic in simple terms that pretty much anyone can understand. Fortunately, the following videos completely demystify cloud computing. Watch and share 🙂 Other interesting videos on cloud computing: Common Craft – […]
[Continue reading…]Banks and Bank Loans in Kenya
Money makes the world go round and because of this principle banks have seen this opportunity and have bridged the gap between the financially surplus and the financially deficit through loans and overdrafts (bank credits). Since banks are actually businesses with a profit motive they charge interest on the credit on a compound interest basis.
[Continue reading…]Take What You Can Get? Really?
I love Seth Godin, he writes articles that make me really think. Below, I have reproduced one of his articles, in full. It’s just that good. Take What You Can Get (?) When you’re just starting out or when your organization is struggling or when the economy isn’t hot, it’s very tempting to take what […]
[Continue reading…]Pesatupu Vs Peoplestring
Peoplestring isn’t your average social network. Yes, it is a social network site much like Facebook, but with a surprising twist: you earn money for just using the website.. Interestingly, the makers of peoplestring pledge to share upto 70% of the site’s earnings with its users. They will make periodic payments to members for doing […]
[Continue reading…]SEO Success For Like Chapaa
When we launched Like Chapaa, one of our goals was to get onto the first page of Google search results when you search for “make money in Kenya”. This is because, well, Like Chapaa is about making money in Kenya. As you can imagine, that was quite a task – “make money” is one of […]
[Continue reading…]Online Data Entry Jobs?
Recently on the Young Professionals Group, we had this question from Boni: Hi Guys I have had this eager to venture in this thing called online data entry jobs which pay well but u have to register an amount for you to join. Now I don’t know who or where to begin searching for them […]
[Continue reading…]Biashara 30 Confessions
Does anyone else like that Usher song, Confessions? Well, I love it! And, keeping with the spirit of that song, here are our Biashara 30 confessions…. Some background Well, we accepted a total of 17 applicants into the first edition of B30. We had received a total of 117 so we, randomly, decided to slash […]
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