Do You Also Make This Mistake In Business?

As the person who has the last say in everything that happens in my business, I, like all other business owners, run the risk of trying to micro-manage every last detail. One of the greatest lessons that I am learning is that I must simply let some things go. Having my “signature” on all matters […]

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The Way You Look

It has been a pretty festive weekend, but then again it’s almost always ‘festive’ in Nairobi right? We always have an excuse to have a good time. And by all means we should. Among the ‘best sellers’ when it comes to kujienjoy in Kenya is  nyama choma – roast meat. So let’s say that you […]

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The Place For Love

Weird topic to be talking about here, eh? Love is a strong positive emotion of regard and affection. It is mostly used in regard to loving someone else. When you love someone greatly, much of your energy goes into making that person feel your love. You put hundreds of hours into these efforts. If you […]

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E-commerce By I & M Bank

I just got off the phone with Mr. Reddy from I & M Bank. A real gentleman. He had called in response from yesterday’s article: I & M Bank got it wrong, to inform me of some erroneous information in that post. First off, the very fact that I & M Bank responded is impressive. […]

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I & M Bank Got It Wrong

Yesterday I cam to learn that it is possible to receive money online in Kenya through I & M Bank. Their e-commerce processing solution is indeed impressive – you can have your website or shopping cart fully integrated with your bank account at I & M Bank. However, I & M Bank’s set up fees […]

[Continue reading…] – whoops, Round 2

Yikes, the Kiss TV seems to have no luck whatsoever. The site is down, its hosting account with Glow Host has been suspended. Keen readers will remember the….weird launch of What’s the lesson here? Be professional in all that you do. There is no reason why your website should be down due to suspension. […]

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6 Time Management Tips For The Small Business Owner

These are some Time Management Tips I utilize (most of the time……) to reduce my time commitment in the business, so I can spend time on more valuable activities or just for personal time. I think they can be effective no matter what type of business that you are involved in. 1. Put a Price […]

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