Archives for June 2009

How to Start A Business With 3000 Or Less

Whether you’re starting a business on the side while still employed elsewhere, a student or homemaker looking for extra income, or unemployed and trying to figure out what to do, there are plenty of opportunities for you to start up a side business inexpensively. We’ll take a look at 10 such opportunities and, most importantly, tell you what to do with the 3K!

It’s unlikely any of the following will make you a living in the first few months, but they all have the potential to grow into full-time businesses.

1. Web Entrepreneur
It’s what everyone who’s ever surfed the Web dreams of — just stick a web site up there and watch the cash roll in! Well, that just doesn’t happen overnight, but the fact of the matter is it’s really not very hard to do. To do it right, start by picking a subject matter you know a lot about. Then get a domain and create a web site. It doesn’t even matter what technology you use — just make sure it looks good and provide plenty of original content. Now find some appropriate affiliate programs—that’s where your revenues are going to come from. Next, learn everything you can about search engine marketing and promote the heck out of your site. Last of all, set aside time every week to put new content on the site, delete dead links, and other maintenance. Now do this three or four times, and you’ve chosen your topics well, you might actually have some decent income from it.

Spend the 3,000 on: 800 or less for a domain and 1,000 for hosting. You can get cheap web design too (kitu 500).

2. Consultant
Getting into consulting is relatively simple. All you have to do is know how to do something better than most people do, and be able to either teach people how to do it or be willing to do it for them. Networking is the key to success in this business, so start by making a list of everyone you know and giving them all a call.

Spend the 3,000 on: 1,000 on a box of clean business cards and 500 buying your first prospect a cup of coffee one morning.

3. Housesitter /Babysitter
Nowadays, people feel an increased need for security, and house-sitting gives them some reassurance while they’re out of town. This one’s great because it basically requires no particular skills, just trustworthiness and reliability. Be sure to have personal references available, and you’ll also need reliable transportation. If you’re a baby lover, babysitting is an easy add-on.

Spend the 3,000 on: 200 on flyers to put up on bulletin boards and to pass around.

4. Professional Organizer
People these days are simply overwhelmed by their “stuff”. While there is an ever-growing trend of people wanting to simplify their lives, most of us haven’t done it yet. It’s not that people really have no clue how to get organized, it just keeps moving to the bottom of the stack, both figuratively and literally. There’s a prime opportunity for people to come in at a reasonable rate and get houses organized. And mostly it takes common sense, organizational skills, and a familiarity with where to get frequently used items cheaply. You can also do this online.

Spend the 3,000 on: Classified ads.

5. Independent Sales Representative
Sales has to be one of the most well paying ‘jobs’ out there. Just find a product you know people will love and sell it on commission. You can try this product, look here, or just ask around – the people you know are very resourceful, trust me.

Spend the 3,000 on: Possible sign up fees, maybe some samples; the rest on advertising.

6. Personal Services – Shopping & Errands
Believe it or not, there are people who are just too busy(or lazy) to do their own shopping. In addition, running petty errands is quite in demand – things like delivering small parcels and paying utility bills. Again, trustworthiness and dependability are the key traits for this. Also, make sure you know your way around the town/city you live in.

Spend the 3,000 on: 200 on flyers and the rest on classified ads.

7. Desktop Publishing
It’s amazing how many people have a computer and still don’t know how to do really simple stuff! If you’ve got a good design sense, are familiar with your word processor, and already have a laser or high-quality inkjet printer, you can get into desktop publishing. You can make fliers and posters for people. Create a really great-looking portfolio for yourself and go door-to-door.

Spend the 3,000 on: Some high-quality paper to create your samples on.

8. Tutoring
There’s an unprecedented need for tutors these days for kids of all ages—even adults! If you’ve got a topic you can tutor in, contact the local schools, particularly private ones, and even try door to door, and offer your services. Don’t be worried if your topic is highly specialized—even those are in demand.

Spend the 3,000 on: 1,000 on a box of clean business cards and 500 on flyers.

9. Online Freelancing
If you have a certain skill or if you can just do something really well, chances are there’s someone out there willing to pay you for it. Finding such people online is easy and all you need is the skills, the right attitude and reliability. Try look here.

Spend the 3,000 on: A nice looking website and reliable web hosting. Try these guys.

10. Secretarial Service – Typing / Transcription / Proofreading
Many small businesses and individuals have a need for these services, but not enough need to hire a full time employee. Assuming you’ve got a computer, a printer, and e-mail (and the necessary skills), you’re all set. Be prepared to charge by the job, not by the hour.

Spend the 3,000 on: 1,000 on a box of clean business cards and 500 on flyers.

One last thing — beware of small business scams that promise overnight riches or ‘easy money’. Sure,one can get rich overnight but practically speaking, it just does not happen.

Be prepared to work, and work hard, for your money.

Note: This post was modified into Kenyan terms (as much as I could) from the original writing found here.

Starting Your Own Business; The Gruesome Details

Inari Media has an interesting series of posts on how to start your own small business. The series of articles is really very well written and should be helpful to anyone wanting to step out into the world of entrepreneurship.

Here’s how Inari Media describes the series:

As a freelancer, I deal with a number of small companies who have grown from circumstances very similar to my own: rather than submit to life on the corporate treadmill, they have struck out on their own to see if they can make a go of things while still keeping a happy work-life balance and a degree of personal autonomy. We only differ in that they hire me, while I get ansty at the thought of getting help with my accounts (there may be time later in the week for my confession of control-freakery).

Nevertheless, it has to be said that self-employment or running a business is not for everyone. Just as not every infantryman makes a good general, not every worker makes a good boss. While there are a number of brilliant resources out there, I thought that it might be an idea to put a series of posts together that detail the ins and outs of starting your own business, and how to proceed.

Interested? Go check them out:

June 23 2009: Added the rest of Inari’s articles. Stephanie has addressed the topic of starting your own business at length in the above series of articles. She gives a wholesome, well rounded description of what you need to know. I highly recommend you read up on what she wrote.

How I Made $150 in Two Hours

At the moment there are an awful lot of people online who are not making money online! In fact, it is reasonable to assume that there are a significant number of people who lose money on the internet, daily – by not making enough to cover their bills (website hosting and suchlike).

Making money online may seem like a daunting task indeed. I can testify that it can be a long hard struggle especially if you have to learn everything and do not have the means to either enlist the help of friends or anyone, really. So the question is can you make money online?

Yes you can, but it is not easy. Some so called ‘gurus’ may tell you that you can become rich overnight. This is indeed possible but usually, however, it is not possible to amass riches overnight. Sometimes it can take months or even years and in extreme cases maybe never!

All that is needed is not just hard work and determination. One is required to work smart. For example, many people online try to reinvent the wheel – they want to make money in a unique original way. While this is fine, even commendable, it is not necessary when you are just starting out. As regards making money online, there is usually a basic tried and tested system. Usipuuze hii system, follow it carefully and diligently and sooner of later you will reap from your effort.

Another is honesty. I personally feel that you cannot go very far if you try to lie and cheat.

Anyway, so how exactly can you make money online?

There are many ways to make money online. Some of these are: drop-shipping, affiliate marketing, selling your own products/services, selling adverts etc. They are different ad require different approaches but, to me, the business principle in each is on: use the power of the internet to create connections.

Seth Godin puts it best: “Make money: not by building an internet company, but by using the net as a tool to create value and get paid. Use the internet as a tool, not as an end. Do it when you are part of a big organization or do it as a soloist. The dramatic leverage of the net more than overcomes the downs of the current economy.

The essence is this: connect.

Connect the disconnected to each other and you create value.

* Connect advertisers to people who want to be advertised to.
* Connect job hunters with jobs.
* Connect information seekers with information.
* Connect teams to each other.
* Connect those seeking similar.
* Connect to partners and those that can leverage your work.
* Connect people who are proximate geographically.
* Connect organizations spending money with ways to save money.
* Connect like-minded people into a movement.
* Connect people buying with people who are selling.”

Read the rest of Seth Godin’s writing here.

Some people describe it this way: find a niche market in which some need is under-served in some way and fill that need.

An Example (How I made $150 in two hours)

I used to actively run this website: (I got busy and semi-abandoned it). I worked at it for a few months and managed to collect about 300 emails of people who had voluntarily agreed to receive emails from me whenever I updated my website. The site used to earn me about 500 a month from adverts but now it averages a few shillings. This is because I don’t really update this website anymore because of my tight schedule, but I still have that list of emails. So, I sent an email to some of my list, telling them of my current web host’s nice web hosting package, and enticing them to host their sites with my webhosts. I sent this email and went to sleep. When I woke up, I found that in the space of two hours some of them had signed up to the web hosting deal and I got paid a commission for the sales I had driven to my web host.

What can you do to make money online?

  1. Get as much information as possible on this subject. Pay for it if you have to. Perhaps you’d like to bookmark this website because we teach how to many money online here
  2. Decide how (specifically) you want to make money
  3. Make a plan
  4. Follow your plan and stick to it no matter what
  5. Never quit until you get what you want

God bless you, and good luck.

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