How to Kill a Nice Brand – The Business Daily Way

Do you remember back when The Business Daily Africa was launched?  I was happy to see that we finally had a good quality business newspaper and I bought it enthusiastically.  I especially loved that, from inception, they had a very strong online presence.  They did everything right, it seems.  In fact, I had predicted that […]

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Help the Democratic Republic of Congo

The situation in the DRC is getting serious and a lot needs to be done, and fast.  Of course many African countries are trying to do something but while they, and the powers that be in the DRC, try to do something, people in the DRC continue to suffer.  This makes me think back to […]

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How to Earn While Learning (in Kenya)

JJ people have set up a Java Development Centre in Nairobi, Kenya and are looking for people to join them to become professional software developers writing Java code for clients spread across Europe, Canada and North America. They look to have a very sweet deal: basically, you sign up with them to receive FREE training […]

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Safaricom, WiMAX and internet for the whole of Kenya?

OneCom (which is 51% owned by Safaricom) has just signed a deal that could see universal internet access come to Kenya in the form of WiMAX. (Read the full story over at Kikulacho) But what is WiMAX, what can it do? According to HowStuffWorks,” WiMAX has the potential to do to broadband Internet access what cell […]

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How to Fight Internet Addictions

The amount of time kids spend online is a source of frustration for many parents. Initially, parents welcomed the Internet into their homes, believing they were opening up an exciting new world of educational opportunities for their children. However, many parents soon realized that, instead of using the Internet for homework or research, their kids […]

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When your Mouse Dies

I don’t know about you, but I find surfing the internet without using a mouse pretty hard, almost unbearably so. Last weekend when my mouse died, for no apparent reason, I was tearing my hair out trying to find a way of moving the mouse cursor with the keyboard. Fortunately, I did find ways to […]

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Osama on Facebook!

Honest! Have a look at his profile. I especially love Bush’s comment. 😉

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