Begging and Boredom

BegForPost. This is simply an awesome site. I love the idea behind it. From site:”You’ve worked for months building a startup on a boostrap budget and the launch is near. How will you get an initial influx of traffic to propel your product/service into viral bliss? Don’t pay off bloggers to promote your startup, beg! Getting started is quick and easy. Fill out the form below, sit back, and wait for Internet stardom. You’re almost there!

  • Completely free
  • No chicken hats
  • No conflicts of interest
  • No annoying reality show
  • No direct deployments to production
  • No premature acquisition announcements”

Now, why would anyone pay per post when you can beg for post? The best feature of the site is that you can see, and laugh at, who is begging. The “see who’s begging section” is definitely something to visit when in need of laughs or when you’re just plain bored.

Speaking of boredom, what do you do when you just want to have fun; when you’re on the net and not looking for anything specific but just want to kill some time? I don’t know about you(why don’t you tell me?), but I visit:

  1. Bore to check out the latest jokes and other fun stuff.
  2. Howstuffworks to be amazed at the workings of things, they’ve got everything here, even invisibility cloaks and Star Wars weaponry.
  3. Yahoo! Answers to ask irrelevant but mostly meaningful questions and goof about trying to answer other guys.
  4. ICQ to chat to anonymous people that I’ll never hear of or talk to(in any way) again. The good, or bad, thing about ICQ is that some of the chatrooms are full of ‘naughty’ people (read: you may end up getting some nookie).
  5. Youtube the reason why is pretty obvious: we all love good video.
  6. Craigslist. The reason why I go here when I’m bored is different from the reason why I go here at other times. When I’m bored, I go to CL to check out the personals and see if I can find anyone interesting, lol. Actually, I like reading on what people are looking for. Yes, I just surf the personals from city to city to city… (I’m bored, remember?)
  7. StumbleUpon to channel-surf the net. Stumbleupon is really cool and useful – some say ‘stumbling’ is cooler, and more useful than googling. This is usually my last resort.

What do you do (on the internet) when you’re bored, with time on your hands?

Finally, something to brighten up your day (or stress you out and confirm your worst nightmares): do you know your Google twin? (Google twin — that person who shares your name and, your Google entry with you.)

PS- if you make a relevant comment anywhere on this blog, you get a link back from me.

Additional Resources


  1. On Craigslist, check out Best of Craigslist There are some hilarious entries!

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