Internet TV with Joost

“Joost™ is a new way to watch TV, free of the schedules and restrictions that come with traditional television. Combining the best of TV with the best of the internet, Joost™ gives you more control and freedom than ever before – control over what you watch, and freedom to watch it whenever you like. We’re providing a platform for the best television content on the planet – a platform that will bring you the biggest and best shows from the TV studios, as well as the specialist programs created by professionals and enthusiasts. It’s all overlaid with a raft of nifty features that help you find the shows you love, watch and chat with friends, and even create your own TV channels.”
That’s what the site had to say. I haven’t really experienced Joost – I’m o the waiting list – but it sounds really cool. I will definitely have more to say on joost once I get to experiencee it. has anyone of you experienced it? Tell us about it. Here’s a great screenshot:

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  1. This blogger has tried it, but this Digg page tells me that there are a lot of people like you and me on the waiting list. The list of people asking for an invite is so long, the page takes ages to load.

  2. Hey, thanks for the link to the digg page. I joined the list there too. I think Joost ought to be awesome!!

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