Making Money With A Blog

There’s a lot of information out there about making money with a blog. And a lot of hype. For example, this article reports of blogs making $15,000 a month! Imagine that. There’s no doubt that you can make money from blogging. The blog your are reading does, in fact, make us money. 🙂 If you […]

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Hi Tech Porn

Some people say that for several decades now, the adult entertainment industry has driven the world’s mass adoption of some of the technologies that we now take for granted, the video cassette in the 1980s, satellite television in the 1990s, VCDs, DVDs and the present day Internet. Is this really true? It may be – […]

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Facebook: The Age of Privacy is Over

In an interview with Techcrunch’s Michael Arrington, Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg spent a while talking about Facebook’s privacy policy. The gist of his talk was that the “age” of privacy is over. This is part of what he said: “When I got started in my dorm room at Harvard, the question a lot of people […]

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Biashara 30

Hello! How is 2010 so far? Nice, eh? We feel that this should be the year in which you finally make it to where you have never been before. We would love it if you moved from success to success all through this year. As you well may know, Like Chapaa’s primary mission is to […]

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Mr Planner

Alibaba is an interesting website. You can use it to find manufacturers and/or suppliers of almost any product imaginable. If you wish to start a retail shop, Alibaba is likely to be very useful to you. Go on and try it and see for yourself! Do you remember drop shipping from the other day? Alibaba […]

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You Can Do It

Yesterday I had the good fortune to meet with a man who inspired me with his simple story and so I shall share it with you, dear readers. 🙂 In the mid 90s (that’s ages ago, eh?) Paul was in his 30s and had a wife and kids. He was unemployed and lived in one […]

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Unemployment In Kenya

It’s a shame, isn’t it? We help run Kazi360, which is a job board and career resource website for young professionals in Kenya. The website is still very young and has a long way to go before we consider it “successful” but it does already have quite a number of users. We attribute this to […]

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