
Do you like chapaa? Then you’ll love this website. We talk a lot about making money here, particularly making money online. Why do we do this?

Put simply, we’d like to change the world, starting with our country. I know, I know that statement is pretty cliche but permit me to explain. We love to help people get ahead in life, or even just hearing about it. We believe that we all have something special inside. You know, something to offer the world. But more often than not, we’re stuck in our busy lives working for The man, earning our bread. We don’t have time for much, and spend all day every day at work.

Sometimes we have interesting jobs but other times we find that we are stuck in a dead-end job with lame pay that just seems to suck the life out of us. We want to make a better life for ourselves but there just does not seem a way to get out of our daily routine and do something about it. Have you ever been in this situation? What happens when you lose your job, when The man decides he doesn’t need you anymore? See, we weren’t meant to depend on anyone but ourselves.

What if you didn’t have to depend on The man? What if you could fend for yourself….make your own money, your own way? I’m sure this is where most of us want to be. We want to be in control of our own destiny. Sure that’s easier said than done, right? Most people have no clue where to start the process of taking their lives back from The man.

So what is Like Chapaa? Like Chapaa is all about helping you become dependent on no one but yourself. We teach, talk and write about simple things you can do to start taking back your life today. Our mission is to change the world by changing lives, one person at a time.

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We also really like the internet and are amazed by its potential to make us more productive so, yeah, we talk about it too.