Shocking Revelations on Internet Porn

12 % of all websites are pornographic in nature.
25% of all search engine queries are porn related
35% of all internet downloads are porn related
The most visited porn site : AdultFriendFinder is also the 49th most visited site on the internet.
28% of internet porn ‘users’ are women!!

Techcrunch had a very interesting video on internet porn statistics. I’ll post the video here but please head over there and read the comments – very interesting stuff.

My take on the video : it is a very clever way of the woman in it to promote her adult (of course) website. Some of the figures from the statistics are rather dubious. I’d say the internet porn industry is worth much more than just $ 2.5 billion. Still, the video gives us a glimpse of just how big internet porn is.

The post over at Techcrunch had an interesting footnote: Usually the porn industry innovates first and key features make their way to more mainstream sites. But over the last couple of years, many of the new ideas around web applications, like user generated content, video sharing, etc., went mainstream first and are now hitting the porn sites.

That statement describes this video very well, the video is perhaps the first foray into viral marketing for internet porn.

I’ve written quite a bit on internet porn:
Predicting the Next billionaires – how live-streaming can get real big, real fast.
Geeks gone Wild! The story of why internet porn is so big.
Interview with Angel – an internet cam girl shares a few words.

Additional Resources


  1. felixthecat says:

    DUDE, m shocked, that vid is great, can i post it on my site….and this is my first time here..and yu doing wht i exactly like:getting geeky n delving into research n coming up with interesting stuff.great blog.cheers and lets explore.

  2. Thanks. Its comments like these that keep me motivated. Please do go ahead and use the video. You hvae to go to its original youtube page to get the codes. Thanks.

  3. Why aint I surprised? Haven’t we known this all along. LOL!
    Seriouly though if you look at most cybercafes peeps tend to choose the furthest cubicle away from prying eyes now that should tell you something.

  4. I remember one day when my buddy was ‘shown the door’ for checking out some porn in a cyber cafe. The guy was in shock, he couldn’t believe that they didnt allow porn.

  5. In Nairobi, I came across a middle aged woman in a cybercafe engaging in cyber sex with an online male buddy.

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